The Po Delta

Discovering the Park in Emilia Romagna

The Park of the Po Delta in the Emilia Romagna Region is one of the most important wetlands throughout Europe. A real paradise for naturalists, biologists and nature lovers, which here can admire unique elements of biodiversity.

The Park is structured in 6 Stations, 4 of which in the province of Ferrara: the Volano-Mesola-Goro Station, Comacchio, the valleys of Comacchio and the Eco museum of Argenta. The excursions on the Po Delta are many: we suggest the Salt Pan in Comacchio, Valle Campo and the birdwatching in search of nightingales, owls, flamingos, Martin fishermen and herons.

Very interesting are also the Museum of the Forest and of the Deer of Mesola, located in the Estense Castle of Mesola and the Museum of the Territory of Ostellato, which deals with the evolution of the earth and of man. Finally, we remember the Forest of the Mesola, a natural reserve of more than 1,000 hectares, that can be visited through authorized paths and with guided tours, where it is possible to sight deer and fallow deer.